NOTICE: No physical products will be shipped between February 6 and March 24

If items such as books, CDs, DVDs, videos are ordered they will not be shipped until after March 24. Digital downloads are as normal.

Performance Venues

Pontine Theatre, Portsmouth, NH 2015


Georgia Institute of Technology, Gainesville, GA 2014


Granite State Story Swap, Elkins, NH 2014


Marshfield Historical Society, Marshfifeld, MA 2013


The Black Hills Chapter of the American Advertising Federation, Rapid City, SD 2012


The Academy of Program/Project & Engineering Leadership, Melbourne, FL 2012


International Space University, Melbourne, FL 2012


Jackson Storyfest, Jackson, MI 2012


Grand Theatre of Frankfort, Frankfort, KY 2012


National Storytelling Festival, Jonesborough, TN 2011


Dryden Research Center, Edwards Airforce Base, Edwards, CA 2011


62nd International Astronautical Congress, Cape Town, South Africa 2011


ScienceTeller Festival, Otago, New Zealand 2011


MIT150th Anniversary Exploration Symposium, Boston, 2011

NASA Project Management Challenge Forum, Long Beach, CA 2011

NASA Headquarters, Washington DC 2010

Goddard Space Center, Greenbelt, MD 2010


Kennedy Space Center , Kennedy Space Center, FL 2010


NASA Masters Forum 19: Passing the Torch, Melbourne, FL 2010


Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA 2010


Adirondack Community College , Queensbury, NY 2010


Harvard University, Boston, MA 2010


Ames Research Center, NASA Site Moffett Field, CA 2010


National Storytelling Festival, Jonesborough, TN 2010


Johnson Space Center, NASA Site Houston, TX 2009


Transylvania County Library Storytelling Festival Brevard, NC 2009


NASA's Green Engineering Masters Forum, NASA Forum San Francisco, CA 2009


Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific San Francisco, CA 2009


Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA Site Pasadena, CA 2009