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Storyteller Jay O'Callahan - Home Page

I'm sending an occasional email journal out. It's been a dark time for all of us, so I thought I'd begin with something cheerful. Pies. Pies are merry things.


A couple of years ago my wife, Linda, and I held a small pie party. Five of us gathered. As we made pies together we talked and laughed. During the baking time we ate some quiche my daughter, Laura made. For supper we had five pies! We talked of serious things and funny things. We all felt so at ease, it was a chance to talk about visions, dreams and hopes. We told stories of things happening in our lives.


Jenn Guerin was one of the five. Jenn has since gone off to teach in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Recently she sent out a flyer inviting friends in Santa Fe to a pie party. In the flyer, she wrote a short history of the pie party in the United States. The history consisted of a description of the five of us at the original pie party. Jenn said that fifteen people came to her party in Santa Fe. They made ten pies.


For Christmas, I enrolled my mother as the first member of my Pie of the Month Club. Each month I make her a pie of her choice. . . blueberry, apple, banana cream pie. My banana cream turned out to be a flop, so we used it as a frisbie.


Have a pie party and let me know about it. In time, we can write a fat history of pie parties in the United States.

